Monday 24 May 2010

Many Idea Creators are Scanners

Many people good at creating ideas suffer at the same time from being scanners, that means they cannot focus on one thing at a time or more accurately cannot see a project through to fruition before they they throw themselves headfirst into the next best thing.

One suggestion by Babara Sher is to start a Scanner Daybook, use this to note down all your various ideas as soon as they appear . When you are distracted by a tangential idea write it down and in this way "get it out of your system" then return to your previous task. 

Having tried many notebook solutions I now prefer a simple text file which I can email to my cell-phone as required. This contains my ideas, my to-dos and anything else that I think of. I have found over the years that anything more complicated seems to fall by the way side sooner or later.

Whatever your preference  the Number One Rule of Idea Creation is to get that IDEA written down, ideas that continuously churn around in your head are just wasting your "computer power" and blocking you from thinking of something even better. No you must get ideas out where you came see them in the daylight so you can begin to evaluate any flaws.

If you want to learn how to deal with your seeming  lack of focus and see if you are a scanner then read this review "Are you a Scanner?"

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