Sunday 21 March 2010

Are Ideas Created in a Day-Dreaming Mist?

Some of the best ideas are where you suddenly see a way of exploiting a resource, something that you've been under utilizing. Any way I was partly dozing this Sunday afternoon and it occurred to me that I could create a Squidoo lens on Turnips which would be a jokey lens on the vegetable itself and people who make mistakes. Now even if you consider that it wasn't a particularly brilliant idea, it is for me because I earn an increasing amount from Squidoo Lens and am always after one which might capture peoples imaginations.

Anyway as befits an Idea-Smith I immediately tried to see if I could capture the train of thought which produced the idea, no luck, I couldn't seem to rewind my memory of just a few seconds ago. The Turnip idea didn't come out of the blue because I'd already invented/created the concept of a Squidoo Turnip in another Squidoo Lens, so my subconscious must have brought it up the the surface and a conscious part of my brain must have "grabbed it".

So once again the actual moment of idea creation was lost, furthermore when I tried to recall it, I seemed to run into a barrier!

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