Saturday 23 January 2010

Creative Daydreaming Or How We Create Ideas

When we are traveling or waiting somewhere our minds drift into daydream mode. This is when we mull over past events, our hopes, worries, obligations we need to fulfill and so on, the mind might be thought to be in freewheel mode. It is during this process that we often have our best ideas in fact we are unconsciously modeling many situations and every now and again we create a new association between existing two information nodes.

We are always juggling limited resources be they time, money, relationships or energy so we require a stream of ideas to allow us to exploit our resources in the most most efficient manner.

 Many people however spend an enormous amount of a time mulling over past failures or how unfair life is, if any good could come from this it would have done so already, we should therefore try and direct our daydreaming in useful directions. This is one of the chief benefits of the positive thinking that is encouraged by nearly every career and life mentor.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Nearly Caught an Idea at its Birth Today

I've been wearing my walking boots because of the Snow and Ice here in the UK. Anyway I was at the Swimming Pool undoing my laces and was marveling once again at how comfortable and light Boots are today, and then thought I should sell them on the principle that you should only promote things you are enthusiastic about. Then it occurred to me that I run a website called and that would be an excellent place to sell boots probably via Amazon.

I instantly realised tried to recall exactly when and how this idea popped into my head but it was already too late I just got a kind of blur. I've been trying to capture that instant for a while, but it seems elusive.